Monday, April 4, 2011


Timmy has really taken a new leap in his ability to put two and two together. Last night we put him to bed and he cried and cried, which is unusual for him. Usually he goes right down. I knew something was wrong so I went in there to check on him. When I got over to his crib he started pointing to the door and then to his teeth and saying "tee tee". He wanted to brush his teeth! He knows that we brush our teeth before we got to bed and that I'd forgotten to do his!

The other day, he dragged over one of the child size chairs all the way to my closed bedroom door so he could climb up and reach the door knob. He stood up on it and was trying to open it when I caught him!

He can reach the pantry door handle now and let himself in there the other day. He loves the boiler room in there! True boy! The pantry door is now locked at all times!

As I type, he is climbing up the child size chair trying to climb over the back of the couch like he just saw his sister do (who was immediately reprimanded since we don't do that in this house!)

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