Outside my window...
was the most beautiful sunrise this morning! I had to take a picture of it! The colors were amazing and so fluorescent!
I am thankful... for such a wonderful husband who comes home every night, exhausted from working hard and yet picks up the pieces for me. He cleans the kitchen after supper every night, gave the kids their bath last night, hauls wood in for me, buttons up the place for the night, and runs to the grocery store when I need him too. Boy am I blessed having that man :-)
I am thinking... about what I'm going to accomplish today. I think I'm going to "take it easy" (is that possible with 3 children under 5?!) and hope to get over this cold before I go into labor. I do have two loads of laundry to fold and put away. Otherwise, it'll be the usual tasks.
Learning all the time...
Living the Liturgical Year at Home... nothing exciting as I don't have the energy to do anything recently. We did read a story about St. Paul yesterday and have read a few books about St. Valentine. We'll be talking about Ash Wednesday and Lent soon! Can't believe it's just around the corner!
From the kitchen... absolutely nothing! I haven't been baking much or cooking much lately. Just don't have it in me to stand there for any long periods of time. I think I'll make a tuna casserole for dinner tonight though.
I am wearing... *blush* my pjs! I never sit around in my pjs anymore, but this morning I opted to stay in bed and sleep while Pete was still getting ready for work instead of get up and get showered and dressed. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get in the shower now that no one is here to keep an eye on Tim. The amount of destruction he could do in the few minutes I'd actually be in the shower could be considerable!
I am creating... a baby :-)
I am working on... trying to be patient with the kids lately. Unfortunately, the combination of the last days of pregnancy, pregnancy hormones, exhaustion and a cold make for
very low amounts of patience! Oh, and to mention the fact that I can't bend or move very well!
I am wondering... when this baby will come! And what we can do today to keep ourselves busy without going out of the house. I think we're all going a bit stir crazy and I feel like doing something fun, but don't have the energy for it! Maybe we'll do some easy craft for St. Valentine's day or something.
I am going... to open all the drapes today and let the beautiful sunshine in! I love when the house is filled with sunshine. And I'm going to turn on
Pandora and listen to some upbeat music!
I am hoping...not to go into labor for a few days. I can't believe I said that! We all have colds though...every one of the five of us. I feel better today than yesterday, but Pete feels lousy today and I need him to feel his best when he coaches me through labor!
I am reading... Kisses from Katie (check out her video on the amazon website that I've linked to!) and
The Story of a Family about St. Therese's family. I can't recommend the books highly enough. Both are excellent reads!
I am praying... for a quick, easy, uncomplicated labor, delivery, recovery and adjustment to having 4 little ones 5 years and younger. I must admit, this intention is on my mind constantly these days!
Pondering these words... these words from Our Lady of Lourdes to St. Bernadette:
"I do not promise you happiness in this world but in the
I am listening... to the kids playing with legos in the living room. Their imaginations are
so cute!
Around the house...everything is pretty caught up for the day. No new laundry to wash, dishwasher does not need to be emptied, kitchen is clean...always a nice feeling!
One of my favorite things... listening to the kids play. I just love hearing what their little minds come up with!
A few plans for the rest of the week...get rid of our colds?! have a baby?! one can only hope!!! I was thinking of checking to see if there are any maple sugar shacks in the area to visit tomorrow. Many trees on our street are tapped right now for sap and I've seen the "maple sap collecting truck" drive up the street daily. I wish I could figure out where they bring the sap from our street. It would be so neat to have maple syrup from our own street!
A little peek at my day...
This morning's sunrise out our front window! |