Monday, August 8, 2011


As some of you know, this new little bundle is being stubborn about showing off his/her heartbeat via Doppler. When I went for my appt 3 weeks ago, we could not find it. My midwife sent me for an ultrasound and the baby looked good and healthy with a strong heartbeat! She had me come back in 2 weeks to look for it again, and still not heartbeat! We decided since I'd had a nice strong ultrasound 2 weeks before, to wait on another ultrasound and have me come back in one more week to try again. Today was the day! At first we still couldn't find it! (I'm 13 weeks along and child number 4- I should be able to hear it by now!) Finally, the baby must have shifted and finally showed off it's heartbeat! Cheers went up in the room from the girls as they declared that we had heard the baby's "heartbeep!"

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Seems like this one is going to be a stubborn little tyke. I'm still waiting to feel mine move. I felt Lily at 15 weeks, but am at 17 weeks right now and still nothing. Maybe that means this one will be our calm child!
