Sunday, November 6, 2011

A is for...

(I planned to post this last week, however we got bombarded with a storm and had no electricity!)  We began a new chapter in our homeschooling this week.  Each week, we shall be learning about a new letter and several things that begin with that letter.  This week was obviously A week.

A is for:

::Animals- A visit to Davis Farmland on Sunday
They all got their faces painted...Olivia has a moon and stars, Naomi is a cat and Timmy has a mustache!

Naomi feeding her doll in one of the adorable play houses!

Olivia the Vet!

"Can't escape from me Mr. Chicken...I'm gonna get you!"
An Italian farmer!

::Apple picking at Little Rascals Orchard (the orchard Joe works at)

::St. Anne...of which we read her story in a childrens saint book

::Apple Pie and Apple Crisp and A themed lunches

Apple pie with an Aa

Sandwiches with an A cut into them (before Timmy got at one of them!), an apple, and I added almonds
I must admit that I will not be making apple pie again with children around.  It was not really worth it!  It took me the majority of the day to make the pie and crisp and clean up from it.  By the time we were done, I had been interrupted a million times, had plastic Easter eggs scattered across the kitchen floor, I had refilled the sugar canister with flour and needed to clean it out and start over, Timmy had dragged out a jar of baby food and shattered it and it's contents across the already messy floor, he fell at least 5 times that I can think of and hit his head on the hard tile floor...etc. etc. etc.!  I finished up feeling rather frustrated needless to say!  And then, to top it all off, no one wanted any for dessert!  The girls didn't care for either the pie or the crisp.  Well, that left and entire pie and crisp for Pete and I to indulge in :-)

::Johnny Appleseed, who was born in Leominster MA.  We read about him and will visit the marker that marks the spot where stood the house he was born in.  It's actually just around the corner from where we grocery shop.  So, we'll visit it next week when we go grocery shopping!

::Australia....where Lindsay will be visiting a certain someone this January!  We colored the flag and a kangaroo, and read some books about Australia.

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