Sunday, November 6, 2011

October Storm of 2011!

We are back on the grid!  HOOOORAAAYYYY!  Wow!  What an adventure!  We were without power for just over 3 days...which means, no heat, hot water, showers, laundry, dish washing, lights in the evening or early morning, etc.  We had decided before the storm to start winterizing the house better and had several things in progress when the storm hit...but nothing was actually completed, which meant it was cold in here!  We had bought and installed a wood stove, but couldn't use it because it hadn't been inspected yet.  Of course, the inspector showed up the morning after our power returned and said we should have used it while we were out of power. 

We spent the first day driving all over tar-nation to find an open restaurant.   Of course, we had no food in the house and we were hungry for a hot meal.  Every restaurant, gas station and drugstore was closed.  Even McDonalds was closed!  Any Dunkin Donuts that was open was so packed, there was a line of cars out the driveway into the road...blocking all the traffic!  We hit so many road blocks from trees down, wires down, heavy limbs hanging on wires above the road...  We ended up in Applebees in a nearby town.  We hit it just right!  We got seated right away, but after us, people had to wait an hour just to sit down!  We ended up waiting a full hour to get our food!  Thankfully, the kids were very well behaved! 

All in all, we survived the event and are very grateful to have power back.  We feel for those who do not have their power restored!  It's going to take a long time to get all these trees cleaned up!  Thankfully we only had downed branches!

Of course, Halloween was smack dab in the middle of it and my camera battery was dead.  So, I'll have to get copies of pictures of the kids in costume from other family members before I can post them!

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