Friday, February 17, 2012

False Alarm

So, yesterday was quite aggravating!  I awoke at 5:30 am with a couple strong contractions and thought, "finally, this is it! what perfect timing too!"  I was 2 days overdue, this had to be it.  Pete was up getting ready for work, so I told him he probably should switch gears and get last minute things packed for the hospital and kids.  He called his mom to come down to watch the kids, and the contractions slowed down.  Usually, when I go into labor, the contractions start and just keep getting stronger and closer and there's a baby in 2-4 hours.  Well, that wasn't so this time!  My mother-in-law got here and I was just having wimpy, irregular contractions.  She decided to take the kids to her house and we were going to go walk to get things rolling.  After she left, I was so tired, I laid down and dozed in and out for a bit. We ended up at the mall by mid day and walked the circuit a few times. We grabbed lunch at Panera (which was so nice!) and walked some more at a track outside until it started raining and I got too tired to continue.  Though we were within walking distance of the hospital, we headed home.  I had still been having random contractions, but they just were not becoming regular.  We decided to relax and watch a movie at home...still no significant changes.  At this point, we talked to my mother-in-law and decided that the kids would stay at her house for the night in hopes that this baby would decide to come in the night.  Well, if the kids were going to be gone anyway, we decided we might as well enjoy our free time and go on a date!  We headed to a local restaurant and enjoyed a nice dinner, then called it an early night just in case!

I slept so well last night!  Knowing you don't have to keep one ear open for crying children really can put one in a sound sleep.  It felt SO good to get a decent night sleep!  I awoke at 4:30am and told God that now would be the perfect time to send this baby into the world.  Guess He didn't agree, because here I sit, my children home and tucked in bed, even more pregnant than yesterday.  Ah well.  Sure keeps life exciting!

It was SO nice to have a day off though.  We got to go on a much needed date, relax, sleep well, and I feel much more refreshed!  Thank you ever so much to my wonderful mother-in-law.  When I picked the kids up at her house today, I arrived at the door to a very upset 5 year old.  She cried quite some time saying, "I don't want to leave Grandma's house...I don't want to go home...I don't like my bunk bed anymore...I don't like our house anymore...Mommy, sometimes little girls just don't like to have to leave their Grandma's house...sometimes little girls just don't like to go home to their houses." 

As if she wasn't upset enough and crying enough, her "bear" got dropped in the muddy driveway as we were getting into the car at Grandma's.  That led to a whole new waterfall of tears.  "That was my favorite toy...that was the bear Uncle Chris gave me when I was born...I want my bear....etc. etc."  I think our tears were largely due to be overtired!  Rest assured, though, bear has been washed and dried and is sleeping soundly in Olivia's arms!

I hope the next time I blog, it will be with news of a BABY!!!! 


  1. Oh I really hope so, too, for your sake. How incredibly frustrating! I'm now officially 40 weeks, so I'm feelin' your pain.

  2. Thanks! I'm so sick of thinking about it and wondering if every twinge is the beginning of something! Good luck to you least we can't be pregnant for any longer than 2 more weeks!
