Monday, October 17, 2011

Cute Sayings from the Kids

A couple cute little saying from the kids over the last few days:

Naomi calls her corn flakes "snow flakes", her sparkly shoes "sprinkly shoes"; wants to be a "mail box" when she grows up, thinks that Nana "has hips" since she had her hip surgery.  Ang was sitting in Nana's wheelchair the other day and Naomi got all concerned and asked GeeGee if she "had hips" too!  Her balloon was deflated, so she said it was "out of breath".

Timmy refers to his new pumpkin as his "meeka".  He also points to himself and says his name when he wants something.  Like tonight, the girls each said their Hail Mary's during the Rosary and he started pointing to himself saying his name.  He wanted a turn! 

After the Rosary at night, Pete told the kids to line up next to each other so they all could blow the candle out at the same time.  The following night, as soon as the Rosary was finished, Timmy climbed down, put his feet right on the line of the rug and said "next, next" wanting to blow out the candle!  We told Olivia to hold her hair back when she blows the candle out and now Timmy holds his hair back!

He also appeared out of nowhere shortly after I put him in his playpen the other day...sure enough, he's learned how to climb out of it!  He's also learned how to climb out of his crib now.  Now there's no safe place for him! 

Olivia said something funny the other day, but naturally now I can't remember.  Pregnancy sure does mess with your memory!  As soon as you think of something, it's already gone! 

In other news, you should see my living room right now!  It is piled HIGH in boxes and boxes and boxes of clothes!  We emptied the entire attic into the living room and are transferring all the kids clothes into organized, labeled, storage totes...that won't break and tumble all over...that won't allow mice to create nests of popcorn kernels and birdseed in them...that will stack nicely...AND that are color coded- pink for girls, blue for boys!  WOOOHOOO!!!  I can't wait to get it done!  I have about half of it done.  In the process, I am getting rid of anything excessive or ruined or that we just won't need.  I freecycled 7 bags already!  Our attic is going to breath again!

Time to go take a breather before I hit the other half tomorrow!  I'd better get this done soon before my belly gets too big to bend!  I struggled with tying my shoes for the first time yesterday...blech!  Oh well!  Comes with the territory!

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