Thursday, September 1, 2011

Follow Up

Here's how I did yesterday. As I expected, I didn't get everything done. But, I had a lovely visit from my sister-in-law Sarah and 2 nephews and I'll just finish up everything today!

~Walked 1 mile in 15 minutes...figured I'd start off small
~Shower done
~Folded and put away 2 loads of laundry
~Did not listen to a talk...folded the laundry in spurts and it wasn't quiet enough to listen to anything
~No muffins made
~Took the kids outside for several hours while visiting with Sarah and kids
~No chore list made
~Made it to chiro, Bobs and Kmart
~All the usuals done!

So for today's goals:
~Walk 1 mile
~Fold ALL the remaining laundry
~Make muffins
~Make chore chart for the girls
~Get the kids outside if it doesn't rain
~Return kids library books and get more
~The usuals!

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